Ever since I moved into my girlfriends place I have been able to get scheduled training time (running, gym, and techs). I have been putting in about 8 miles a week, made improvements in the gym (gained about 5-7 lbs), techs are smoother then ever and I started swimming a couple times a week. I also got an A in my med term class. I feel this is the balance I have been looking for. Nothing exciting has happened just happy to have constant training over a long period of time. I will soon be moving again and will lose a couple days of training but I'll be pushing it until that time.
Some mornings I wake up exhausted because I've been on a constant cycle, other days I wake up and I'm out of the door with the wind trying to catch me. My runs and gym days are done without haste are more relaxing then stressing. When I tech train I feel the weight I gained but at the same time feel more in control. I don't swim as long as I run or work out but even a couple laps are great and I feel real amphibious afterwards. I caught up with some of my NYParkour heads last weekend and spent the whole day light training and played some killer capture the flag in BK that night. I was refueling every few hours to make sure I could keep going and keep up with the youngsters. I DID!! I attribute that to my constant training.
Lessons Learned
-Catch the summer train everyday (even in fall, winter, and spring).
-Alot recovery time after each train ride.
-NYPK all day CTF BK all night